NJEV is proud to be the Exclusive Toyne Fire Apparatus Dealership for sales & service in New Jersey
Firefighters from all around the country will tell you that when it comes to hand built quality, craftsmanship, and reliability, there’s nothing quite like
a Toyne fire apparatus.
Toyne custom fire trucks are backed by a rock-solid warranty and are stall built, piece by piece. Reliable, durable, and upheld to the highest safety standards, all Toyne custom fire apparatus types can be counted on to perform reliably on any call.
Built to take the call.
Call NJEV today! Our sales team is ready to schedule a demo with you! 732-223-1411
Click here to view all available Toyne Fire Apparatus
Click here to view all available Toyne Fire Apparatus
NJEV is a full service factory trained facility for all makes and models of fire apparatus
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